5G Events are described in 3GPP 38.331 section 5.5.4

Event Name Meaning
Server is better than threshold
Enter Meas_Serv - Hys > A1_Thresh
Leave Meas_Serv + Hys < A1_Thresh
Server is worse than threshold
Enter Meas_Serv + Hys < A2_Thresh
Leave Meas_Serv - Hys > A2_Thresh
Neighbour is better by offset compared to PScell
Enter Meas_Neigh + FrequencyOffset_Neigh + CellOffset_Neigh - Hys > Meas_Serv + FrequencyOffset_Serv + CellOffset_Serve + A3_Offset
Leave Meas_Neigh + FrequencyOffset_Neigh + CellOffset_Neigh + Hys < Meas_Serv + FrequencyOffset_Serv + CellOffset_Serve + A3_Offset
Neighbour is better than threshold
Enter Meas_Neigh + FrequencyOffset_Neigh + CellOffset_Neigh - Hys > A4_Thresh
Leave Meas_Neigh + FrequencyOffset_Neigh + CellOffset_Neigh + Hys < A4_Thresh
PSCell is worse than threshold-1 and Neighbour is better than threshold-2(A4 thresh)
Enter Meas_Serv + Hys < Thresh-1 AND Meas_Neigh + FrequencyOffset_Neigh + CellOffset_Neigh - Hys > Thresh-2 (== A4_Thresh)
Leave Meas_Serv - Hys > Thresh-1 OR Meas_Neigh + FrequencyOffset_Neigh + CellOffset_Neigh + Hys < Thresh-2 (== A4_Thresh)
Neighbour is better by offset compared to Secondary serving cell (Scell)
Enter Meas_Neigh + Offset_Neigh - Hys > Meas_Serv + Offset_Serv + A6_Offset
Leave Meas_Neigh + Offset_Neigh + Hys < Meas_Serv + Offset_Serv + A6_Offset
IRAT neighbor is better than a threshold
Enter Meas_Neigh + FrequencyOffset_Neigh + CellOffset_Neigh - Hys > B1_Thresh
Leave Meas_Neigh + FrequencyOffset_Neigh + CellOffset_Neigh + Hys < B1_Thresh
Server is worse than Threshold-1 and IRAT (or NR) neighbor is better than Threshold-2
Enter Meas_Serv + Hys < B2_Thresh1 AND Meas_Neigh + FrequencyOffset_Neigh + CellOffset_Neigh - Hys > B2_Thresh2
Leave Meas_Serv - Hys > B2_Thresh1 OR Meas_Neigh + FrequencyOffset_Neigh + CellOffset_Neigh + Hys < B2_Thresh2
CSI-RS resource is better than threshold
Enter Meas_CSI_Resource_dBm + CSI_RS_Individual_Offset_dB - Hys_dB > C1_Thresh_dBm
Leave Meas_CSI_Resource_dBm + CSI_RS_Individual_Offset_dB + Hys_dB < C1_Thresh_dBm
CSI-RS resource is better by offset than reference CSI-RS resource
Enter Meas_CSI_Resource_dBm + CSI_RS_Individual_Offset_dB - Hys_dB > Meas_C2_RefCSI_RS_dBm + Ref_CSI_RS_Individual_Offset_dB + C2_Offset_dB
Leave Meas_CSI_Resource_dBm + CSI_RS_Individual_Offset_dB + Hys_dB < Meas_C2_RefCSI_RS_dBm + Ref_CSI_RS_Individual_Offset_dB + C2_Offset_dB
WLAN becomes better than a threshold
Enter Meas_WLAN_dBm - Hys_dB > W1_Threshold_dBm
Leave Meas_WLAN_dBm + Hys_dB < W1_Threshold_dBm
All WLAN inside wlan-MobilitySet become worse than Threshold-1 and a WLAN outside wlan-MobilitySet become better than Threshold-2
Enter Meas_WLAN_within_mobilityset_dBm + Hys_dB < W2_Thresh1 AND Meas_WLAN_outside_mobilityset_dBm - Hys_dB > W2_Thresh2_dBm
Leave Meas_WLAN_within_mobilityset_dBm - Hys_dB > W2_Thresh1 OR Meas_WLAN_outside_mobilityset_dBm + Hys_dB < W2_Thresh2_dBm
All WLAN inside wlan-MobilitySet become worse than a threshold
Enter Meas_WLAN_within_mobilityset_dBm + Hys_dB < W3_Thresh_dBm
Leave Meas_WLAN_within_mobilityset_dBm - Hys_dB > W3_Thresh_dBm
Channel busy ratio (of transmission resource pool) is above a threshold
Enter Meas_channel_busy_ratio_TCPool (0 to 1) - Hys > V1_Thresh
Leave Meas_channel_busy_ratio_TCPool (0 to 1) + Hys < V1_Thresh
Channel busy ratio (of transmission resource pool) is below a threshold
Enter Meas_channel_busy_ratio_TCPool (0 to 1) + Hys < V2_Thresh
Leave Meas_channel_busy_ratio_TCPool (0 to 1) - Hys > V2_Thresh
Aerial UE Height is above a threshold
Enter Measured_UE_Height_meters - Hys > H1_HeightThresholdRef_meters + Offset_meters
Leave Measured_UE_Height_meters + Hys < H1_HeightThresholdRef_meters + Offset_meters
Aerial UE Height is below a threshold
Enter Measured_UE_Height_meters + Hys < H1_HeightThresholdRef_meters + Offset_meters
Leave Measured_UE_Height_meters - Hys > H1_HeightThresholdRef_meters + Offset_meters
Distance between UE and reference Location 1 is above threshold1 and distance between UE and reference Location 2 is below threshold2.
Enter Meas_Dist_Location_1_meters - Hys > D1_Thresh1 AND Meas_Dist_Location_2_meters + Hys & lt D2_Thresh2
Leave Meas_Dist_Location_1_meters + Hys < D1_Thresh1 OR Meas_Dist_Location_2_meters - Hys & gt D2_Thresh2
Cond Event T1 is time measured at UE is within a duration from threshold
Enter Measured_UE_Time > Thresh1
Leave Measured_UE_Time > Thresh1 + Duration
Distance between UE and serving cell moving reference location is above threshold1 and distance between UE and neighbor cell moving reference location is below threshold2
Enter Meas_Dist_UE_Server - Hys & gt Thresh1 AND Meas_Dist_UE_Neighbor + Hys < Thresh2
Leave Meas_Dist_UE_Server + Hys & lt Thresh1 OR Meas_Dist_UE_Neighbor - Hys > Thresh2